• 102 Woji Estate Road, Woji, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
  • +2349011295748



Outstanding user experiences are delivered and that to our expertise in web design and development. Every website we develop has distinctive features that highlight your brand's personality and product offerings.

We provide various WordPress web design packages and custom website development services that help increase traffic and conversion.

Coding Lady

Our Web Design Process

You must remain informed. Because of this, our procedure makes sure that during the design process, our website designer works in collaboration with you and your team. Our priority is to produce a website that advances your commercial objectives while being dependable.

We design and develop custom web solutions that guarantee a seamless user experience


Development of Strategy & Concepts

We get understanding of your brand through your needs, company objectives, and website goals. We make sure to design a proper project plan and timeframe thanks to our website development advice.

Creation and Content

Customers must be persuaded to interact with you. Together, we decide what information, including the appropriate placement, may accomplish this on your website.

Creation & Design

You should be pleased with your website and brand. To properly match this, we develop the user-optimized responsive design structures, visuals, and visual components.

Testing and Quality Control

To make sure that your website functions at its best, we conduct a thorough website audit and QA for functionality testing on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), site performance, security, and more.

At Dafe Software we offer flexible solutions to work with our team, based on your business needs.

Our team is always prepared to receive new ideas and translate them into amazing global standard products.

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