• 102 Woji Estate Road, Woji, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
  • +2349011295748

What does our Product Design process look like?



Product definition

Before you can build a product, you need to understand its context for existence. During this phase, our UI/UX designers brainstorm around the product at the highest level (basically, the concept of the product) with stakeholders.

Product research

Once you’ve defined your idea, our product team moves to the research phase. This phase typically includes both user research and market research.


The aim of the analysis phase is to draw insights from data collected during the research phase, moving from “what” users want/think/need to “why” they want/think/need it.


When users’ wants, needs, and expectations from a product are clear, our product designers move to the design phase. At this step, product teams work on various activities, from creating information architecture (IA) to the actual UI design.


Validation (Testing)

This step in the design process helps our team understand whether their design works for their users. During a series of user testing sessions, the team validates the product with both stakeholders and end-users.






Our team is always prepared to receive new ideas and translate them into amazing global standard products.

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