• 102 Woji Estate Road, Woji, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
  • +2349011295748

Outsource Your Desktop Application to Dafe Software

We are prepared to jump-start work on your project as soon as you are ready and we have all the skills required for the secure and successful creation of desktop software at an affordable cost.

Our Steps for Organizing Desktop Application Development

Dafe software is prepared to offer all the required talent, covering all phases of development, and assisting in efficiently reducing development costs.



We start with outlining your business needs first and, in case you’re developing a desktop software product, analyzing the market. Then, we describe the functional scope of the future desktop app, including user roles, content, and permission matrix.

Project planning

After our team have outlined your desktop development scope and objectives, we create the necessary design and development efforts while considering business risks and constraints, outlined during the discovery step.

Software design and planning

We consider the goal of this step to be delivery of the final documentation that thoroughly describes the future development process. We make sure that the key deliverable – a software requirements specification – contains a desktop app’s purpose, overall description, use cases for different user roles, functional and non-functional requirements, as well as key modules and their interaction in the form of an architecture diagram.

UX and UI design

Our UX designers first translate the app’s functional requirements into minimalistic wireframes that should give a crude but clear idea of how a user will interact with software. Together, the wireframes constitute a prototype of the app, which is often created with interactive digital tools

Development and testing

Following the planned schedule, our team works according to the chosen methodology: Scrum etc. To prevent code issues from affecting the entire code and causing significant delays in the release schedule, we perform quality assurance in parallel with development and fix issues as soon as possible

Release and development

Depending on whether the app is an internal solution or a commercial product, our team either deploys and integrates it with the required corporate infrastructure or releases to the public.

Dafe Software is focused on delivering top-notch outcomes and value for your money.

Our team is always prepared to receive new ideas and translate them into amazing global standard products.

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